Watch me craft an entire song from scratch in 16 minutes using random things.
Watch me craft an entire song from scratch in 16 minutes using random things.
An article about the relationship between entropy and business. First published on LinkedIn.
My hands-on perspective on TDD. First published on LinkedIn.
Help your startup navigate the unknown. Part 1.
Help your startup navigate the unknown. Part 2.
Help your startup navigate the unknown. Part 3.
How to launch a startup in the Marketing Technology industry? In our latest episode we explore journey of Zvook, a marketplace revolutionising the way podcasters connect with advertisers.
An interview from back when I was a CTO of Zvook.
Back when I was a bass/guitar player and a lead singer of Kupid Kids.
A lecture on the past, present and future of podcast statistics.
Developers are a very particular breed. The remote factor adds extra complexity.
The success of the saga's in its many life lessons we can learn from.
A great guest's playbook.
What to do if you're against "tattooing" your precious physical books, yet still want to benefit from marginalia.
One of the rawest marginalia conventions by a busy computer scientist.
It is a big commitment to picking a Tool for Thought. Think twice, as a divorce will be just as painful and expensive.
How not to forget what you ate five years ago.
Taming information chaos by adding structure to a pile of Apple Notes.
Rejoice, Apple-heads. There is a way to squeeze even more power out of Apple Notes. Though this way might not be covered in roses…
There's a way to dumb things down while conveying more information. Here's how machines eat the cake and have it, too.
How many basic elements does it take to create the world we live in? How many truly fundamental ideas have we invented? How many do you think you have? How many would be left after compression?
A collection of back-handed compliments to jacks of all trades and one-trick ponies.